Vincentians and Podcasting

"Introduction to podcasting" page in Vincentian Encyclopedia will teach about idea of podcasting and some technical aspects of using this modern technology media in everyday life and ministry. Visit the page or any other similar topic sources to learn about podcasting, podcasts and audio/video files transferable to mobile devices or other computers.
This page contains links to download some of the interesting Vincentian related podcasts and audio/video presentations, podcasting sites where series of casts can be found and webpages with streaming audio and video content which can be used directly in the browser.
There are also some links which can be used in everyday ministry and life not directly Vincentian oriented.
If you have podcasts, audio/video streaming pages which you want to share, you are invited to add them to this directory. If you do not know how to add your podcast links to the wiki page, or you do not know how to make your own podcasts contact John Freund CM or Tomasz Zieli?ski (Toma') for help.
Vincentian podcasts to download
- from Vinformation - Vincent c@st podcast library:
- Elizabeth Ann Seton by Sr. Regina Bechtle, SC from America Magazine
- Fr. Richard Gielow's presentation “The Zebra Doesn’t Have Black and White Stripes” made during 2008 Ladies of Charity National Assembly
- Rev. Joseph L. Levesque, C.M., President of Niagara University discusses his experiences during the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the U.S.
- Lecture by Fr. Richard Benson,C.M. on genetic engeneering and bioethics at Theologu on Tap session:
Vincentian podcasts libraries
- DePaul University podcast directory is your one-stop destination for audio and video learning. Browse over 15,000 educational audio books, MP3 downloads, podcasts, and videos.
- DePaul University podcast seeries - Let's Talk about Vincent de Paul:
- susan stabile blog podcasts (for spiritual reflection)
- Susan stabile podcasts library to download
- "We're Finding Our Way" iTune podcast library of St. Joseph's Seminary in Princeton, New Jersey by Fr Aidan Rooney CM
webpages with streaming audio only
- Perpetual Novena in honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal:
webpages with streaming video only
- Vincentians and YouTube
- Vincentians and GodTube
- YouTube Hay Leadership Program from DePaul University
other podcasting sites
- America Magazine podcasts
- American Catholic Radio - "weekly Catholic radio program, in the popular style of the Franciscans. This show is funded by the U.S. Bishops' Catholic Communication Campaign and is geared toward the liturgical season."
- [ National Catholic Reporter Podcasts Column
- Eternal Word Television Network programs
- Renew Theology on Tap
- [ Daily Mass Readings
- [1] Daily Mass Readings -- RSS podcast page (*.xml)]