Vincentian Encyclopedia

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What is the Vincentian Encyclopedia?

It is a collaborative effort to create a Vincentian encyclopedia of articles and other information useful for those who follow Vincent, Louise and their spiritual companions: a resource for those who are part of the Vincentian family and for others seeking reliable information on people, topics, and organizations related to the Vincentian family.

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St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent dePaul

Vincent had a passion for the poor and a genius for networking and organizing others to meet the full range of needs, both material and spiritual, of those who live on the margins of society.

St. Vincent DePaul (1581-1660) was not only the founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians) but also the Daughters of Charity, the Confraternities of Charity and Ladies of Charity (1617).

A man of deep faith and enormous creativity, he is known as the "father of the poor" and "Universal Patron of Charity". His contributions to the education of priests and services for the poor shaped our church's role in the modern world.


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15 October in History

1657 Louise sends a very important letter to Sister Marguerite Chétif at Arras who she was accompanying her during her mystical journey: “Did you think that you could be so honored before God and His angels without its costing you anything?... Have you considered, my dear Sister, what we have learned from the example of Saint John the Baptist who knew Our Lord so well that he bore witness to Him, as you know, and love Him more than anyone else in this world.....How consoling for a soul to find itself completely dependent on His spiritual guidance! The thought is sufficient to make me rejoiced with you. Do not believe that things will always be as they now are.”

1820 Fr. Felix de Andreis, the apostle of Louisiana, dies at the age of 42 in Saint Louis, U.S.A. During his own lifetime he was considered a very holy man. His cause for beatification was introduced on August 29th, 1902.

1833 Fr. Paul Marco Antonio Durando was named Director of the Daughter of Charity in the recently established Province of Turin. Later he cause for beatification will be introduced in Rome.

1849 Three Daughters of Charity travel to Argelia to assist those afflicted with typhus.

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Vincentian People, Places and Ideas

Many people in the Society and Church of Vincent de Paul's time had an influence on his life and work.

Some of those who follow Vincent's approach to proclaiming the Gospel are recognized at Saints and Blessed by the Church.

There are reminders in many places in France of the life of Vincent de Paul.

Vincent and Louise were masters in fostering collaboration among groups that normally had little contact.

Former Superior General, Fr. Robert Maloney, CM often pointed out how the circle of poverty is increasing.

He reminded people that more than ever we need to expand the "circle of solidarity" and often invited us to be creative especially in reaching out to the young.

Reflection for Sunday Readings

Clothe Ourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ

Jesus lets us know that God calls us all to his kingdom. Besides, Jesus shows us how to clothe ourselves with him, so we may be of those whom God chooses.

Full reflection: Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A-2023

Dare the Wise and Learned to Be Truthful

Jesus is the sign of contradiction. He brings to light what we harbor in our hearts. He cannot but dare us to be truthful.

Full reflection: Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A-2023

Reflections' Library

Getting to Know the Vincentian Family

In the more than 300 years since Vincent and Louise died many have been inspired to walk in their footsteps. Collectively they are known as the Vincentian Family. The following section is devoted to information about what is common and unique in the ways these people walking in the "way of Vincent."

Vincentian-Setonian Researchers

The Congregation of the Mission history project described below is but one example of what the followers or Vincent and Louise are studying and writing about. Many others are researching and writing.

  • Vincentian-Setonian Researchers is the place for people to describe the work they are engaged in and the kind of things they would find helpful in their work.

Other Uses of this resource

How to post news of your Vincentian ministry

Following this link will take you to a list of Vincentian ministries.

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Using this site to collaborate on a document

Consider yourself as a member of a committee charged with writing an article on Vincentian formation.

Vincentian Formation

History of the Congregation of the Mission Project

Fr. John Rybolt, CM, and others are currently writing a projected five volume history of the Congregation of the Mission.

The project began in 1992. Upon the death of José María Romón Fuentes, C.M., Father John Rybolt was appointed to continue the work begun byJosé María Romón Fuentes, C.M., and Luigi Mezzadri, C.M.

This began in 2004, resulting first in an outline of the entire work, divided into four volumes: Vol. III: From the French Revolution to 1843; Vol. IV: 1843-1878; Vol. V: 1878-1915; Vol. VI: 1915-1984. We conclude at 1984, it being the year of approval of the new Constitutions.

The following segments are the first in a series of articles concerning the history of the Congregation following the French Revolution.

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