Wiktor Pradzynski CM

From VincentWiki

Wiktor Pr?dzy?ski CM (spell: Victor Pron-d-zeen-skee) was born on December 13, 1914 in Mielno(presently Northern Poland, then Pomerania region of Germany). On October 10, 1932 he was received into Province of Poland of the Congregaton of the Mission in Vilnius (presently Lithuania, before WWII in Poland). Before WWII Internal Seminary and Minor Seminary were located in Vilnius in the Vincentian House on so called Salvator's Hill. After completing Novitiate seminarians were moving to Krakow, where they continued formation to priesthood at Vincentian Fathers Institute of Theology (Instytut Teologiczny Ksi??y Misjonarzy). There he took his vows on February 2, 1935. Due to World War II he could not become priest. At last, ordained priest, on May 5, 1946 by Msgr. Stanislaw Rospond, the Auxiliary Bishop of Krakow.

Right after ordinations he was sent to Bydgoszcz becoming a vicar to Basilica of St. Vincent de Paul parish. In 1950 Fr. Wiktor was appointed chaplain to Msgr John Kanty Lorek CM, bishop of Sandomierz in central Poland and hold this position until 1953. In the same year he took position in the Holy Cross church in Warsaw as vicar.

Being moved to Go?cikowo-Parady? (formerly-Paradies) to Major Seminary of Diocese of Gorzów (formerly Landsberg am Warthe) he started the academic career. In 1950s and 1960s Diocese of Gorzów was the biggest diocese in Poland covering almost 1/7 of its territory. Thus, the diocesan seminary was the largest in the country and Europe. Vincentians run and staffed the seminary until 1980s. In Parady?, he was Latin and Greek teacher until 1958. Then moved to Krakow, appointed the Superior of Provincial House, Rector of the Institute of Theology and Provincial counselor. He also taught Latin in the Institute. He hold this positions until 1963.

New period of his Vincentian ministry started in 1963, when he was assigned as Director of Daughters of Charity in the Province of Chelmno-Poznan. Next, in 1973 he moved to Warsaw as Superior and Pastor of Holy Cross parish (the oldest house of Polish Vincentians since 1653). He stayed in the Holy Cross House until his death. In 1975 was appointed Director of Daughters of Charity Province of Warsaw. Retired in 1987 he remained in the ministry at Holy Cross parish.

Fr. Wiktor Pr?dzy?ski CM died on December 27, 2008 in Warsaw. At the time of his death he was the oldest member of Province of Poland of the Congregation of the Mission. The funeral took place on December 31, 2008. Fr. Wiktor was buried in the Vincentian Fathers tomb at Pow?zki Cemetery in Warsaw.

  • If you want to read this article in Polish go to Wiktor Pr?dzy?ski CM entry at WincentyWiki -- Vincentian Encyclopedia Polish edition