VincentWiki:Ephemerides/3 January

From VincentWiki

1642 In 1642, a very precious letter of St. Louise to the Abbot of Vaux giving him a modern interpretation about mortification in the DCs which will receive confirmation in a conference of St. Vincent to the Sisters.

1651 In 1651, St. Vincent sends a letter to Fr. Almeras in which he states that the principal motive for imposing vows in the Community is stability and to respond to the natural inconsistency of man and to prevent the disappearance of the Community; otherwise, many will enter just to be educated and to capacitate themselves for public life and then leave the Community; others, even though they have enteres with good will in the beginning, will abandon everything with the first annoyance or on the first occasion they have to establish themselves in the world if there is nothing to prevent them from doing this. We have already had many injustices like this.”