Spiritual Moderators Reflection Sheet 6

From VincentWiki

Reflection Sheet 6 for Sister Moderators and Spiritual Advisors

Elements of a Vincentian Family Group

Opening Prayer

God, the strong One, I praise you and ask for the courage to serve the poor. I am fully aware that this is a special grace to have been chosen for this holy work. It is true that it can be extremely difficult, but it is because of this that your grace acting in me is more evident. I have every reason to trust You and to be aware that your Providence will give me the strength needed. I know you will never fail me. May Jesus your Son be my model. This I ask through Christ our Lord. Amen. Adapted from writings of Vincent de Paul

Vincent de Paul’s Doctrine

Vincent was versatile, prolific and humble to such a degree that he eludes all schemes of simplifying his life and classifying him. A person had to be around him for only a short while to be convinced he was not a speculative person. He had none of the doctrinal originality of some great theologians of his day. He quoted some of these, yet he always remained an independent person. He adapted what other spiritual writers said and often transformed it. His originality was not in matters of doctrine, but in life and in experience.

Our best chance of grasping the shape of his originality comes from the three areas in which he felt most at ease and was considered a master by his contemporaries: experience, faith and practical wisdom. Adapted from Vincent de Paul and Charity by Andre Dodin CM

Elements of a Vincentian Family group (formulated by the National Vincentian Family Formation Committee of the US)

The Vincentian way of life is incarnational. It calls members to:

•A personal relationship with Jesus Christ, the source and model of all charity.

•Put on the mind and heart of Jesus Christ and proclaim the reign of God.

•Be available to go to the most vulnerable and to recognize the places of the marginalized as HOLY PLACES.

•Evangelize and be evangelized by those who live in poverty.

•See Jesus Christ crucified in all who suffer.

•A sense of community that supports us in our faith and service.

•Be rooted in the Gospel especially as it is proclaimed in Luke 4:1, 6-21; Luke 9:1-6; Luke 10: 25-37; Matthew 25: 31-40.

•Trust in Providence.

•Be impelled by the love of Jesus Christ in all our relationships.

•Love affectively and effectively with compassion, respect and devotion.

•Serve in a spirit of humility, simplicity, and charity.

•Challenge, in the spirit of Catholic Social Teachings, social systems that oppress those living in poverty through advocacy efforts.

•Follow Mary as the model of discipleship and model of Vincentian spirituality.

What Vincentian element especially catches my attention? Why?

On what Vincentian element do I feel especially called to focus as I serve as Sister Moderator or Spiritual Advisor?

Closing Prayer

God, our Savior, enkindle in us a deep trust in the providence of God. May we continue to believe that our Lord alone has begun this work of service to the poor and makes particular use of the Vincentian family to assist in bringing the work to its completion. May we take refuge in this trusting that Your Son will bring about what he wishes to be done among us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Adapted from writing of Vincent de Paul to Bernard Codoing, 12-7-1641

Prayer Texts

Eph 5: 1-7 Follow Christ by loving as he loved.

Is 42:1-4 Here is my servant whom I uphold.

Jn 13:33-38 I shall not be with you much longer. I give you a new commandment.

Ps 133 Love both brotherly and sisterly.

1 Thess 4: 1-12 We have been called by God to be holy.

Ps 91 Trust in God.

Spiritual Moderators Reflection Sheet 7