Prayers to Obtain the Beatification of Venerable Felix de Andreis

From VincentWiki

Prayer I

0 Lord Jesus Christ,
Who, by the working of miracles
hast deigned to honor Thy loving servants,
we beseech Thee to glorify,
through the intercession of Thy Immaculate Mother,
Thy servant Venerable Felix de Andreis,
by evident signs and wonders,
so that for the exaltation of Thy Name and the salvation of souls,
he may by Thy power be declared Blessed.
Venerable Felix de Andreis, pray for us

Prayer II

O Lord, the giver of all good gifts,
you have shown the power of your grace
in the life and virtues of your servant,
Venerable Felix de Andreis.
Draw others to your service by the influence of his example;
and, if such be your holy will,
glorify him here on earth
by manifesting the power of his intercession
through the favor we now implore

(insert request)

Hasten, dear Lord, the day
when Felix de Andreis will be declared Blessed by Holy Mother Church.
This we ask of You
through the intercession of your Immaculate Mother, the Queen of Saints.
Venerable Felix de Andreis, pray for us!