Popular Missions

From VincentWiki


Statements from the General Assembly 1998

III. POPULAR MISSIONS In these years there have also been significant efforts toward renewing the popular missions. Such efforts have often crossed provincial and even national boundaries. These renewed missions have the following characteristics:

a. a time of significant preparation (the pre-mission),

b. the organization and training of a mission team, often involving a large number of priests, deacons, sisters, brothers, and lay men and women,

c. an extended time period within the area of the mission (the time varies),

d. catechesis and reflection on the word of God within small groups,

e. involvement of the local clergy and laity in the mission itself,

f. organization of works of charity within the mission area,

g. follow-up.

Robert P. Maloney "Status of the Congregation"

"The Popular Mission" Vincentian Month 1997: (Vincentiana 1997, number 4-5)

Catholic Parochial Missions Catholic Encyclopedia