LCUSA Ceremony of Affiliation

From VincentWiki

LCUSA Ceremony of Affiliation


(All stand and go to the altar)

Presider: Following after the women of Chatillon in 1617, the first lay servants of the poor who walked in the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul, you are called to pledge yourself to service in the manner he recommended. In offering this service, you are called to bear witness to Jesus’ love by showing your commitment to those who are poor. You are also called to discover Christ in one another and in those you serve as well as to discover Christ in the Scriptures and in the sacraments.

Is it your desire to dedicate yourself to the service of our Lord Jesus Christ in the care of His poor?

Response: Yes, such is my desire.

Presider: Will you endeavor to conform to the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul and observe the rules of the Association of the Ladies of Charity?

Response:I will.

Presider: I hereby admit you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, of his Blessed Mother and of St. Vincent de Paul, into the Association of the Ladies of Charity. May God grant you all the indulgences and graces attached by the Holy See to this Association.

Accept this pin with its cross and symbols of hope and love. Wear it upon your heart and carry it as your strength and protection, your consolation and salvation in life and in death.

(Pin and Manual are distributed. Ladies turn and pin each other.)



LORD JESUS, we recall your words: “I was sick and you visited me, hungry and you gave me food, thirsty and you gave me drink: I was naked and you clothed me, poor and you comforted me.” As a response to your invitation, we come today to consecrate ourselves to you in the service of those who are victims of poverty in many forms.

IN THE SPIRIT OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, we desire to be a reflection of your loving compassion and your tender mercy. Mindful of those who suffer many injustices, we will reach out to them in loving service.

MARY, OUR MOTHER, through you we ask that your Divine Son will make us worthy to carry the light of his teachings and comfort of his love to those who are lonely, who are sick or who in any way suffer the sting of poverty.

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL, our founder and our model, obtain for us the virtues of humility, simplicity, charity, and ardent zeal. May we continue to share in your work here on earth and, one day, render us participants of your glory in heaven.

O GOD from whom all charity flows, with your help, may we serve those who are poor and receive the reward you have promised to those who follow you in the way of love for suffering humanity.

O LORD JESUS, enlighten us, your servants, so that we may know you, the true light of the world, and love you in perfect charity as did our models, Vincent and Louise. Amen.

(All return to pew except officers and committee chairs.)