The following represent some initial thoughts about where to concentrate efforts in the next three years
Laity in the Vincentian Tradition
Vincentian Family Members
Collaborators in our apostolates
- most urgently in our universities (where numerical and governance presence is waning)
Young People
Connected with our works
New more evangelical groups
Those with weaker appropriation of Catholic heritage
special view to attracting new members
Immigrant poor
Esp. Hispanics
Own aged and infirm
Investigating and implementing modern care for seniors of all conditions
Ongoing formation in relevant areas
(e.g., Christology, sacraments, preachings, etc.)
Attention to prayer lives
Capacities for Formin Lay Leaders
Greater appreciation of the place of the laity in the church
Capacities for Evangelizing Young People
Forming Vincentian Groups
Training in Ministry to young people
Ability to Impart Vincentian Spirituality
Through study of the C&S
More concentrated efforts to appreciate the Vincentian approach to the Gospel
Attention to the Care of Senior Confreres
Implementing recommendations of the Jethro group
Supply Confreres for Hispanic Ministry
Greater insistence on language study
Expansion of Hispanic works
Cultural audit