Thirty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Solemnity of Christ the King, Year A-2014

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That God may be all in all (1 Cor 15, 28)

The kingship of Jesus Christ puts into question all other kingship. He alone has full rights to everybody’s loyalty.

It is as questionable to call anyone a king as to call him Rabbi, father or master. There is only one. Moreover, even a good Rabbi, father or master is not wholly blameless.

There is only one who is totally good and does not disappoint, God. He never takes back his love from even the unfaithful or, as St. Vincent de Paul puts it, “he never abandons even a wicked man who hopes for his mercy” (Coste IV:317-318).

God is the exceedingly kind Father. He has shown through Christ’s death the breadth, length, height and depth of his love. He is the Great King who has subjected everything to his Son. To guide us closely always, he has appointed Chief Rabbi or Teacher the one who is the way, the truth and the life.

Jesus alone suffices; he is everything to us. He is the King of our dreams and longings. In contrast to proud worldly kings who claim for themselves the so-called divine right of kings and hold on desperately to the cappa magna, Jesus lets go of his royalty and takes the form of a slave.

Jesus is nothing like those rulers who brutally abuse those under their care. Our King is the spitting image of his Father who ousts the negligent and opportunistic shepherds and takes charge personally of his sheep, tending them, giving them rest, seeking the lost, healing the injured, and separating sheep from goats.

The King of the universe is undoubtedly the definitive answer to the prayers of the lowly who sing Psalm 72. Jesus governs the people with justice and the oppressed with right judgment. He destroys evil and ushers in the eternal kingdom of peace, justice and charity. He defends the needy, taking pity on them. Their blood is precious in his sight; hence, he rescues them from oppression.

And he affirms and promotes the worth of the poor so much that he identifies with them. He will later use them as the decisive criterion of judgment: they will inherit the kingdom, those who help the needy; those who do not, will have to depart from him. These last ones, for making those without anything feel ashamed at the Lord’s Supper and for letting them go hungry, will eat the bread of tears to its last tiniest piece and drink to the dregs the wine of God’s fury.

Lord Jesus, grant that we may contemplate you and serve you in the poor and may one day be united with you and with them in your kingdom.


34º Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario, Jesucristo, Rey del Universo, A-2014

Dios será todo para todos (1 Cor 15, 28)

La realeza de Jesucristo pone en cuestión toda otra realeza. Él solo tiene pleno derecho a la lealtad de todos.

Es tan cuestionable llamar a alguien rey como llamarle rabí o padre o maestro. Uno solo hay. Además, aun un rabí, padre o maestro muy bueno no es intachable del todo.

Uno solo es totalmente bueno y no defrauda, Dios. Ni a los infieles les retira su gracia o, como lo expresa san Vicente de Paúl, «ni siquiera abandona jamás a una persona mala que espere en su misericordia» (IV:303).

Dios es el Padre sumamente bondadoso. Ha demostrado por la muerte de Cristo la anchura, longitud, altura y profundidad de su amor. Él es el Gran Rey que ha sometido todo a su Hijo. Para guiarnos de cerca siempre, ha constituido Gran Rabí o Maestro al que es el camino, la verdad y la vida.

Solo Jesucristo basta; él es todo para nosotros. Él es el Rey de nuestros sueños y anhelos. A diferencia de los reyes mundanos soberbios que se arrogan el denominado derecho divino de los reyes y se aferran desesperadamete a la capa magna, Jesús se despoja de su realeza y toma la condición de esclavo.

Jesús no es nada como los dirigentes que se abusan brutalmente de los que están bajo su cuidado. Nuestro Rey es más bien la viva imagen de su Padre quien destituye a los negligentes y oportunistas pastores y se encarga personalmente de sus ovejas, apacentándolas, dándoles reposo, buscando a las perdidas, sanando a las heridas, y separando las ovejas de las cabras.

El Rey del universo es indudablemente la respuesta definitiva a las plegarias de los humildes que cantan el salmo 72. Jesús rige al pueblo con justicia y a los afligidos con rectitud. Desbarata la maldad e instaura el reino eterno de paz, justicia y caridad. Salva a los desvalidos, compadeciéndose de ellos. Aprecia su sangre; por eso, los rescata de la opresión.

Y tanto afirma y procura el valor de los pobres que se identifica con ellos. Se servirá luego de ellos como el criterio decisivo de juicio: herederán su reino quienes asisten a los necesitados; quienes no, tendrán que apartarse de él. Estos últimos, por avengonzar en la Cena del Señor a los sin nada y dejarlos pasar hambre, comerán el pan de lágrimas hasta el último trocito y beberán hasta las heces el vino del furor divino.

Senor Jesús, haz que te contemplemos y te sirvamos en los pobres y un día nos unamos a ti y a ellos en tu reino.