Advisors in the VMY

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Advisors in the VMY

Work in Small Groups: 1. Choose someone to coordinate the discussion 2. Choose a secretary who will take notes 3. Read together the strengths, opportunities, weaknesses and threats 4. Discuss the questions on the last page

What follows is a summary of a survey that was sent to the national councils with regard to the advisors’ task of accompaniment. This material will help us to reflect on the ministry of the advisors within the Vincentian Marian Youth Association.


  • The formation that the advisors impart to the members of the Association (conferences and workshops that deal with human and spiritual development) help to strengthen the relationships between the members. This is especially true when such formation is programed and when other professionals participate in this process.
  • They are part of a family that has a Marian and Vincentian spirituality; they minister with other branches and ecclesial movements.
  • They love the Association and they view their active participation in local and ecclesial activities as a way to enrich the Association.
  • A new advisor creates the possibility of change.
  • They work with other advisors and promote communication with the international team.
  • Some members feel accompanied by the advisors during their local and national meetings … different means of communication are utilized.
  • They prepare the young men and women to be lay advisors and they promote active leadership.
  • They visit the various local centers.
  • Some understand and fulfill their role as advisors.
  • There is an initial commitment on the part of some of the young men and women and there is a spirit of cooperation between the former members and the present members of the Association.
  • There is a spirit of friendship and community in the Association and this is the result of the ministry of the advisors.


  • Because of the many ministries and services there is not enough time for the advisor to fulfill his/her role, lack of personal accompaniment; the dates for meetings are often changed.
  • Other commitments are combined with the work of the Association … this is often due to not understanding the identity of the Association.
  • The frequent change in advisors creates instability and becomes an obstacle to the normal functioning of the group.
  • Some advisors have a negative attitude with regard to ministering with the group and therefore are not willing to collaborate.
  • Because of their diminished numbers there are fewer Daughters and Missionaries available for this ministry.
  • Often the new advisors do not understand their role and take on responsibilities that are not proper to them.
  • Do not promote the protagonism of the young men and women.
  • There are many options with regard to youth ministry
  • There are no lay advisors … they seem to lack leadership and there is little participation.
  • In some countries the active presence of the advisors is lacking.
  • Members withdraw from the Association during times of school examinations.
  • The groups that are created in the school environment disappear during the time of vacation.


  • Enthusiasm and openness to communication with the members of the Association
  • A desire to engage in a process of formation and accompaniment … school of formation for lay advisors.
  • Work with the Vincentian Family.
  • Know the reality of the young people on a national level.
  • Plan formation sessions (spiritual and human growth).
  • A desire to create a sense of responsibility among the young men and women.
  • As individuals come to the end of their time in the VMY there is the possibility of forming them to be lay advisors.
  • Utilizing the document with regard to lay advisors, said advisors can deepen their understanding of their role.
  • The International and National Council ought to promote the accompaniment of the young men and women.
  • Work in collaboration with the Vincentian Family.
  • The members of the Association are concerned about the formation of the advisors.
  • There are married couples who could take on the role of advisor.
  • The Association can work in parishes, with immigrants, with committed leaders, and in projects that are of interest to the wider Vincentian Family.
  • The virtues of the Association assist the members in achieving their goal in the area of evangelization.
  • In various countries the Association has episcopal approval and there is the opportunity to work in parishes where the Association is no longer active.
  • We rely on formation material and the experiences derived from various encounters and assemblies.


  • There are fewer Missionaries and Daughters, they have many commitments and are often changed from place to another; not enough time or lack of interest in working with the Association; lack of clear objectives.
  • The young men and women are not formed to take on this responsibility.
  • The advisors are not mediators.
  • The advisors do not trust the members and as a result the young men and women go somewhere else.
  • The young men and women are not accompanied.
  • Where there is civil war and violence it is often difficult for the advisor to accompany the young men and women.
  • Clericalism among the Daughters and the Missionaries.
  • Some countries have no established formation process.
  • Society in general is less concerned about the practice of faith.
  • Pessimism as a result of previous negative experiences.
  • Absence of young men and women in the parish
  • No plan for self-financing
  • The family does not promote the participation of youth in the church
  • Lack of coordination between the Daughters and the Missionaries, and at times that same lack of coordination is seen in the laity.
  • The situation of youth: broken families, use of drugs, absorbed by technology; lack of employment, lack of financial resources, some young men and women work on the weekend, young men and women are often not encouraged to take on the role of advisor and many do not complete the formation process, financial limitations.

Are you aware of the document on the Role of the Advisor?

There have been many various responses to this question. In some countries there is no awareness of this document, others state that they have heard about the document and still others that they utilize the document. When a new advisor is appointed we provide that individual with a copy of this document … this is a tool that assists advisors in their work and clarifies their role.

In some countries there is concern to form leaders and lay advisors … some have just begun this process.

Questions: Here it is important to share one’s experience with regard to accompaniment and to encourage new advisors to fulfill their role. ? Can you think of some other opportunities that the Advisors have that would enable them to carry out and better fulfill their role in the VMY?

What weakness should we confront together so that we might provide better service to the young men and women?

Do you have some concern that you would like to share with the advisors who accompany us today?